The Reverend has been practicing Wicca since 2000 and Ordained by Rev. Lori Bruno of The Lord & Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church in 2011 doing legal pagan handfastings as such. He has also been a student of the paranormal and occult since 13 when he had his first paranormal encounter. He got into reading tarot cards over 13 yrs ago and has counciled hundreds of not over a thousand clients since. He has been interviewed by several radio programs over the years as well as interviewed about the history of Salem, MA by the History Channel. He is also the author of the self-published book “The Simple Guide to Salem Witchcraft: Sites, Spell Casters and Shops” which sold out in its first printing.
I grew up in Connecticut in a small former mill town called Putnam. I was raised by my grandmother as a Roman Catholic. Being more or less your typical geek growing up, I enjoyed writing programs on my computer, comics and playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends. However, I also liked going for hikes in the woods and taking martial arts, needless to say a broad range of interests. I was very fond of nature and always felt a kinship to it. Also, reading ancient history and being an armchair archeologist always mentally stimulated me.
The catalyst that got me on the path I am now is an interesting tale. It started when I was in my early teens and had my first paranormal encounter. My grandmother and I lived in a house over a century old, and I always got the feeling something else was present. One evening I came home late and found my grandmother asleep in her bed, I decided to take a shower. Half way through my shower the bathroom door shook violently as 3 loud, solid bangs came from it, as if someone on the other side took a clenched fist and used the bottom of it to pound on the door. I quickly hopped out and opened the door to a dark house.
Thinking it was my grandmother; I rushed to her room and peeked in. Standing there still dripping wet I found her still asleep in bed. It then occurred to me it was not her nor did anyone else live in the house with us.
After that experience I started to realize I needed to delve into more than what they teach in high school science class. It became quite clear to me soon after, as I researched, this world holds more than we see with our eyes on the surface. I thus began my studies into the paranormal and occult subjects. (The word occult simply means ‘secret’ and nothing to do with ‘evil’.)
In 2000, I was living in Boston and had a bit of an epiphany. I was in Salem on Halloween for the yearly fall festivities and ended up down a side walkway. I noted these three witches off to the side, dressed in black cloaks around a smoking cauldron. In hindsight I realize they were simply celebrating the Pagan holiday Samhain (Pronounced sow-in) from where modern Halloween comes from, but back then I was in awe. I stood there mesmerized by the ritual, to this day, not sure how long I stood watching, and then I snapped out of it and moved on. The next day, still feeling inspired and almost a calling, I went back to Salem and bought several books on the religion of Wicca and became a student of that religion, Witchcraft and tarot reading. I have been practicing ever since.
I then attended as a reader my first “psychic” fair in 2006, did that for many years, eventually opened my own Modern Wizardary shoppe in Salem, was interviewed by The History Channel and half a dozen radio shows over the years. Since then I have returned to Boston.
This journey has led to council and assist many hundreds if not over a thousand of people over the past decade plus. And I truly feel it is my calling. I hope you will allow me to assist you as well.
Blessings to you and yours,
Rev. Peter White – NeoPagan Wizard